I've got the "heavy sarcasm bug" right now. I've been getting lots of spam of the sort "Your Account Requires Your Prompt Attention" lately. I usually get such spam from, supposedly, Amazon.com and PayPal. Today I got one from Barnes and Noble. Here's what it said:
It has come to our attention that your account information needs to be updated due to inactive members, fraud and spoof reports.
What is a "spoof report?" Is this a report where someone claims something about my account and then says "Just Kidding"????
If u could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and renew your records you will not run into any future problems whit the online service.
if u want to scam me u should not use im and text-messaging spelling grammar and punctuation im stoopid but not that stoopid
However, failure to update your records will result to your account cancelation.This notification expires whiton 24 hours.
Nice grammar and spelling, Chet. Oh yeah... I don't have a Barnes and Noble account. How can you cancel something that doesn't exist? If, by some chance, this is a fraudulent account, then I welcome its closure.
Nice try -NOT!