And you thought that political activists were the only ones to hire people to give vocal support for their causes. Think again:
Houston football player Justin Johnson was excited to have the Final Four in his town, but he never thought he'd get a chance to see a game live.
That was until Monday morning when an email went out to Houston athletes and the Rice student body giving the first 300 email responders free tickets courtesy of the Connecticut athletic department.
"Well, we all were excited to have the Final Four in our town, but I didn't think we would get to be at the game," Johnson said. "This was awesome… (The crowd) was nuts early, but UConn ran away with it, so it died down."
Even though the price of the tickets per-se was $0, we still have a market. I wonder how many, if any, students sold their tickets.
As always, HT to Marginal Revolution for the MIE tag.