From Clay County Florida comes a story about a 5th grader who was denied entry into her school's gifted students program. That alone isn't news. The reasoning is pure bull diarrhea and is worthy of comment.
Seems as though the girl's school has a sliding scale for entry into the gifted program that depends on parental income. Because the girl's parents make too much money, she had to score 30 points higher on the entrance test than she did (she scored 100). Other students from lower-income families could get in with a score of 100. I suspect this is one of those "diversity" things that school administrators are fascinated with these days.
Why not just make all academic achievements depend on parental income? Assign grades depending on parental income. If mommy and daddy make $40,000 or less, little snowflake can get an A by getting only 50% correct. But if mommy and daddy make $200,000 or more, then their child must score a 95% or better just to get a C. Those standards dovetail nicely with the gifted standards.
It gives a new meaning to having to work twice as hard to get half as far.
Link via Kip