While the H1N1 flu virus seems to be running its course here in Minnesota and in other parts of the US, the vaccine for the virus hasn't even hit the market. It's quite possible that the course will be run before the vaccines even come out.
Even though many will no doubt blame the private companies that are producing the vaccines for being so slow, Scott Gottlieb argues that it's the US regulatory process that is to blame for the snail's pace. Part of this could be the fear that regulators will get much more blame for things that go wrong than they will get in praise if things go right.
I can't say for sure, but both of my kids had H1N1 flu-like symptoms - fatigue, fever (103.5 for one, 100+ for the other), persistent cough - three weeks ago. My wife had mild symptoms soon after that. My mom and I, so far, haven't had any symptoms.