Halloween can be bad luck for black cats.
Because of superstitions about the felines and witchcraft, several area pet shelters don't allow the animals to be adopted in the days leading up to Oct. 31. They fear the animals could be abused or killed by disturbed individuals.
Although reports of such incidents are rare, some shelter officials say they're taking no chances. Others, including the Nebraska Humane Society in Omaha, however, say they are confident that pre-adoption background checks and counseling will weed out potential abusers.
The Cat House in Lincoln has a “blackout” policy during October and discourages black cat adoptions, said Carol Mathias, publicity coordinator and owner of four cats. Mathias said pure white cats can also be targeted.
I worry about this each Halloween, for we have a Halloween cat living here. A living, breathing, rambunctious Halloween decoration, Sam has thankfully never been the target of ne'er-do-wells.