Allen Sanderson on Principles of Economics at the University of Chicago (although one could say a similar thing about many Principles classes at many different schools):
“When you hear, ‘The economics department at U. of C.,’ one’s free association is ‘pro-business, greedy bastards,’” says Sanderson (pause, jaw thrust) in the first lecture. “I tend to think that’s not the case. Greedy bastards we may be, but we’re not pro-business. Republicans tend to be very pro-business. It’s a genetic defect of Republicans. Democrats tend to be anti-business, another genetic defect. We are not anti-business; we are not pro-business. We are pro-choice in the ultimate sense of pro-market. Based on empirical work, macro and micro solutions are probably better worked out by private markets than government intervention.”
How great is that? Can I add that Sanderson is "one of us" - someone who writes about the economics of sports?
HT to Greg Mankiw