Apparently, former Mizzou men's basketball coach Quin Snyder was asked to resign during last season, but Snyder declined.
Former Missouri basketball coach Quin Snyder was first encouraged by athletics director Mike Alden to consider a midseason resignation more than a year ago, according to notes from Chancellor Brady Deaton's recently concluded internal investigation.
This year, things fell apart so badly that a decision apparently was made to fire Snyder at the end of this season, Tiger broadcaster Gary Link is reportedly to have spilled the beans to Snyder, and Snyder, in his best Eric Cartman voice said, "Screw you guys. I'm goin' home." Now the big controversy is why did Mizzou Athletic Director Mike Alden dispatch Link to see Snyder?
What Deaton's investigation doesn't clarify, though, is the role played by Tiger broadcaster Gary Link, a special assistant to Alden whom Snyder said delivered an ultimatum to the coach on Feb. 9, hours after Snyder told reporters he would finish out the season.
Link told Deaton that he would not "divulge the contents" of his conversations with Snyder and Alden, citing confidentiality. However, Link did acknowledge serving as an intermediary between his boss and Snyder, with whom Alden acknowledged having a "close but tense" relationship.
...Alden, who could not be reached for comment Wednesday, has said he sent Link only to see how Snyder was doing and whether he wanted to keep coaching.
So, we want to know two things: 1. why didn't Alden tell Snyder himself (he may have had a good reason not to tell Snyder he was going to be canned)? 2. why did Alden say he was surprised?