King notes:
Ed is watching the Alito hearings. I've got CNN Headline News on here in the bar, and it's 2:20, and they are still waiting for Alito to actually speak. I saw swim captain Kennedy a half hour ago. Luckily no sound (they're playing XM 80s here instead.) I read this in the plane this morning, and CNN just shows on TV now a two month old!!! poll asking if one would favor the Senate turning down Alito if he says he would overturn Roe. Of course, it gives the opposite reaction. What a pile of hooey.
I understand why Roe v. Wade and the abortion issue are so important to many people in forming opinions about SCOTUS nominees. I have no problem with this litmus test. But why don't we discuss the potential nominee's respect for private property and private property rights so that we don't get such egregious SCOTUS errors as the recent Kelo decision? Why is that not also a litmus test for nominees?