When I arrived at my office one day during the past week, I found this in my campus email inbox:
At the last reviewing at your amazon account we discovered that your information is inaccurate. We apologize for this but because most frauds are possible because we don't have enough information about our clients, we require this verification. Please login and reenter your personal information.
To whoever sent this to me: a proofreading would have been useful to you. "At the last reviewing at...?" It should be "of" instead of "at".
"... we discovered that your information is inaccurate." "... we don't have enough information about our clients." If you don't have enough information about me, how do you know that my information is inaccurate?
... Please note: If you don't update your information within next 48 hours , we will be forced to suspend your account untill you have the time to contact us by phone.
Until is spelled with one "l" and there should be the word "the" between within" and "next". There should be no space between the "s" in "hours" and the following comma.
We apreciate your support and understanding, as we work together to keep amazon market a safe place to trade. Thank you for your attention on this serious matter and we apologize.
"Appreciate is spelled with two p's and you don't need a comma in the first sentence. Also, capitalize Amazon here and in your first sentence. May I suggest Dictionary.com for your spelling?
Here's the website the scammers want to direct me to: www.amazoncom.secure-session.cn