Last February, I had this short post containing a link describing why my coffee sucks. I'm pleased to announce that my coffee no longer sucks. I use good coffee, filter my water (twice... more later), grind my coffee right before brewing (more later), and now, I own a "kick ass" coffee maker.
I just bought the Cuisinart Automatic Grind Coffee Maker . My old coffee maker died the other night so I bought one that gives me the option of grinding my coffee just before brewing. Plus, it has its own water filter. Since I use a Brita filter to clean out the North Mankato Nasties from my tap water, I use twice-filtered water when brewing. I also use coffee from Lakota Coffee from Columbia, Mo. I have had good luck with Lakota Coffee in the past and, in the rare occasion when my order gets messed up, they have always provided me with great customer service. I am a loyal customer.
The only downside I can see so far is that I have to clean out more things with the coffee maker than I did with my old one. But that hasn't been a pain so far, and given that I don't have to grind my beans, I'd say I spend about 30 seconds more dealing with this new coffee maker than my old one (a cheap Proctor Silex). Given that my coffee is much smoother and better tasting, the opportunity cost is worth it.
So now, my coffee no longer sucks.