From John Palmer (and Ben Muse before that)
At bedtime in Juneau (about 11 PM) the Washington Post is reporting that the House approved CAFTA 217 to 215: Trade Pact Approved By House .
Apparently it wasn't pretty:
To win, the White House and GOP congressional leaders had to overcome resistance from dozens of Republican members who were also concerned about the agreement because of issues ranging from the perceived threat to the U.S. sugar industry to more general worries about the impact of global trade on U.S. jobs...
Maybe, just maybe, the sugar lobby will continue to lose some of its power.
Unfortunately, there's no shortage of competition between lobbyists for politicians' ears. The sugar lobby may lose some power, but someone else will be there to snap it right up.
John also muses:
It is apparently so difficult to win over the vested interests with comparative advantage arguments that voting-rule games must be played to win:...
Unfortunately, the benefits to lowering protectionist barriers are widely spread while the costs will fall on a very concentrated interest. Unfortunately, it's next-to-impossible to win them over with arguments based on comparative advantage.